Abstrack: Abstract: SAVI approach is student
learning process with combining physical motion, intellectual activity and
using all sensory so it can well influence of learning. SAVI approach combines four component influencing for learning in
the class. The fourth learning method must have in order to learn continue optimally
SAVI is an acronym for somatic (s) meaning motion, auditory (A) meaning that
learning by listening, visual (v) meaning that learning uses eyes sensory,
intellectual(I) meaning that learning uses mind skill. This research has
purpose to know process and result by developing of biological substance based
on SAVI approach developing of
this learning material uses Borg and Gall method the result of this research is
learning material as student book. The result of research shows that validation
result by expert validator is valid with the average 87,98 percent and test of
small group is gotten that reading skill of student book shows valid criteria
by all complement. It means that the students can understand the book easily. The
result shows that the average of each complement from 79,78 to 100 so it is
very valid. The student book use based on SAVI approach can improve study output and student motivation it
can be seen from the average score between pretest and post test then starting
motivation of the student before using the student book and ending motivation
of the student after using the student book that there is increase.
Senin, 19 Mei 2014
Minggu, 18 Mei 2014
Pengembangan Bahan Ajar IPA Biologi Berbasis Pendekatan Joyfull Learning pada Sub Pokok Bahasan Organisasi Kehidupan Kelas VII SMP Dalam Meningkatkan Motivasi dan Hasil Belajar Siswa
Abstrack: Joyfull learning is learning that takes place in an
atmosphere that is fun and memorable, which can motivate students become more
active and can ultimately improve student learning outcomes. Therefore, this
study focused on the development of biological science materials with joyfull
life organization subject-based learning for junior class VII. This study aims
to determine the process and results of the development of biological materials
with joyfull learning based approach. In addition, this study aimed at finding
out if the increase in motivation and learning outcomes with the use of
teaching materials science Biology joyfull learning approach based on a sub class
life organization subject SMP. The development of this learning material using
a model of Borg and Gall. A product produced by this study is a matter of
learning as a student book. Based on this research, it is known that the
results of expert and user validation, learning materials has been declared
invalid by 84.40% greatly. To test the response of students in small groups
obtained a value of 89.5% of students responded positively. As for the
students' responses on a limited test group obtained a value of 93.0% of
students also responded positively to the teaching materials developed. Based
on the results of the validation and limited testing can be concluded that the
students are very valid book that it can be used in teaching and learning.
Selasa, 13 Mei 2014
Pengembangan Modul Pembelajaran Muatan Lokal Etnobotani Masyarakat Using di SMA Negeri 1 Giri Banyuwangi
Oleh: Rahmi Asti Harumi
Abstract:The aims of this study is to describe the process and product’s development of local content ethnobotany learning module in Using community for XI grade students at Senior High Schoo1, Giri Banyuwangi. This research and development referred to Borg and Gall model, but it is restricted in the seventh step (research and information collecting, planning, develop preliminary form of product, preliminary field testing,main product revision, main field testing, operational product revision). This research used 6 validators to assess the quality of module and 12 students in preliminary field testing and 26 students in main field testing. Data obtained from validator sheets, questionnaires of the legitility and difficulty level,pre-test, post-test. The results showed that module apropriate as learning material within average of 69,75% of the experts and 90,33% of user valuator. Also showed that module can improve average of student achievement by 90,75%.
Abstract:The aims of this study is to describe the process and product’s development of local content ethnobotany learning module in Using community for XI grade students at Senior High Schoo1, Giri Banyuwangi. This research and development referred to Borg and Gall model, but it is restricted in the seventh step (research and information collecting, planning, develop preliminary form of product, preliminary field testing,main product revision, main field testing, operational product revision). This research used 6 validators to assess the quality of module and 12 students in preliminary field testing and 26 students in main field testing. Data obtained from validator sheets, questionnaires of the legitility and difficulty level,pre-test, post-test. The results showed that module apropriate as learning material within average of 69,75% of the experts and 90,33% of user valuator. Also showed that module can improve average of student achievement by 90,75%.
Senin, 12 Mei 2014
Penerapan Strategi Pembelajaran Group to Group Exchange (GGE) dengan Concept Map dalam Meningkatkan Keterampilan Berpikir Kreatif dan Hasil Belajar Biologi (Siswa Kelas XI IPA 3 SMAN 1 Jenggawah Tahun Pelajaran 2013/2014)
Abstract: Group to Group Exchange with
concept map is learning strategy that invite students to explore, discover,
understand and describe one of knowledge /concepts bu using students creative
ideas. The Aim of this research was to increas students creative thinking
skills and the XI IPA 3 students learning result of Biology at State Senior
High School 1 of Jenggawah. There were four indicators of creative thinking
skills that are fluency, flexibility, originality and elaboration. The result
of this research shows the improvement
in 13,51%, of fluency, 18,25% of flexibility, 27,03% of originality and 20,95% of elaboration. The students
cognitive learning achievement increased 11,6, students afective learning
achievement increased 9,68 and 35,13% of
learning outcomes. Conclussion of this result, application of Group to Group Exchange learning strategy`
with concept map can improve a creative thinking skill, learning achievement
and learning outcomes students.
Toksisitas Tanaman Empon-empon (Suku Zingiberaceae) terhadap Mortalitas Larva Nyamuk Culex sp.
Abstract: Culex sp. is a species mosquito as a main
vector that caused Filariasis disease.
Based on these problems, one alternative used botanical insecticides Zingiberaceae rhizome namely ginger, lesser galangale, turmeric, fingerroot. Zingiberaceae has characteristic is contained essential
oil of rhizomes and potentially as larvicides. The larvae are used
as a treatment is 20 larvae with 3 replications third instar larvae - IV
early. Data larval mortality was observed every 24 hours and 48 hours. Data analysis was
used probit analysis. Based on research and analysis conducted, it was obtained for the ginger rhizome, LC50
rhizome is 1003.113 ppm, 822.78 ppm. LC90 ginger rhizome is 4024.858 ppm and
3250.852 ppm. While LC50 lesser galangale rhizome is 360.488 ppm, 275.049 ppm. LC90 lesser galangale
rhizome is 1655.451 ppm, 1070.974 ppm. LC50 turmeric
is 479.091 ppm, 374.598 ppm. LC90 turmeric rhizome is 2504.981 ppm and 1476.845 ppm. While LC50 fingerroot rhizome is 1377.051 ppm, 1015.707 ppm. LC90 fingerroot rhizome is 5687.984 ppm and
3879.824 ppm. It can be concluded that the Zingiberaceae are most effective as larvicides starting lesser galangale rhizome, turmeric rhizome, ginger rhizome, fingerroot rhizome
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