Oleh: Harissudin Masrur
Gastropoda is molusca member as benthic animal.
The diversity of the animals role as bioindicator of marine ecosystem. The objectives in this research is to identify the species of Gastropoda and to
know the diversity, density, and dominancy in three research stations around at
Mimbo beach, Situbondo district, and to know the influence of environment
factors on diversity, density, and dominancy of the Gastropoda . The data collecting used plot transect method. Plot had
size 1 × 1 m2. There were 3 transects for every stations, located
about 50 m from shoreline horizontaly into the sea. Result of the research revealed that there were five Gastropodas consisted of 277 individuals which spread
in three stations. The total of Gastropoda diversity showed a middle category
(H’ = 1,0289). Population
density of Gastropoda was 6,1 individual/m2, dominancy of Gastropoda
was very low (C = 0,3154). Environment
factors such as temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, salinity, and light
intensity had significant influnce on diversity and dominancy of Gastropoda,
but not for its density.