Oleh: Tri Wahyuni
ability to identify ferns is
needed on Biology learning in the course of plant
because it is in
accordance with the core and
competency on curriculum 2013. The aim of this research
is knowing what fern that in Tourism Botanical Garden Sukorambi Jember and how the result of the Supplement book
defelopment that can be gotten from the
identification of the ferns. This research use Sampling method that is line
transect method. Based on the results of the ferns
inventory identification in Tourism Botanical Garden
Sukorambi Jember, there were 2 Classes, 2 Order ,
11 Family,12 Genus and 21 Species:
Pteris ensiformis Burn.f, Christella Arida, Pteris biaurita L; Pteris tripartita Sw; Adiantum sp; Adiantum sp; Lygodium
circinatum (Burm.f.) Sw; Adiantum sp;
Microlepia strigosa (Thunb.) C.Presl;
Microsorum rubidum (J.Sm.) Copel ;
Christella dentata (Forssk.) Brownsey
& Jermy; Microsorum sp ; Nephrolepis hirsutula (G.Fors.) C.Presl; Diplazium esculentum (Retz.)Sw ; Pteris vittata L ; Nephrolepis cordifolia (L.) C.Presl; Selaginella plana (Desv.ex Poir.)Hieron; Pytirogamma calomenalos (L.)Link; Adiantum trapeziforme L; pyrrosia
piloselloides (L.)MGPrice; Tectaria
polimorpha (Wal.ex Hook) Copel., The result of study towards
validation test of supplement
books by the expert
consisting of lecturers from FKIP and
from SMAN in Jember obtained validation
results with a decision
to revise by re-examining
and looking for
the weaknesses of the product to be refined. From the reaserch, it can be conclude that
the class of Pteropsida was found 20 Species and Class of lycopsida only 1
Species. Class of Pteropsida are dominate than Lycopsida because the
tempetature, high of location, PH and intencity of light are consist with
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