Selasa, 04 Februari 2014

Pengaruh Ketepatan Implementasi Metode dan Kualitas Media Pembelajaran yang Digunakan Mahasiswa PPL terhadap Hasil Belajar IPA Biologi (Siswa Kelas VIII Semester Gasal SMP Negeri Di Kabupaten Jember Tahun Pelajaran 2013/2014)

Oleh: Septi Candra Purwanti

The learning method and learning media is one of important aspect in learning activities. This research was aimed to improve the accuracy of implementation teaching method and quality of learning media that used by pre service teacher (PPL) from Biology department. This research is a descriptive exploratory. This research began by distributing a questionnaire on pre service teacher of biology program. Then, the researcher did the direct observation to pre service teacher of biology when they do the learning activities in the classroom and the end of learning activities was held a post-test done by student. The obtained data was analyzed by using the regression test. The result shows that the probability of the accuracy in implementation of teaching method and quality of learning media is 0,032. While the regression equation is Y= 68,894 + 3,231 (X1) - 2,509 (X2). It can be concluded, that the accuracy of the implementation teaching method and quality of learning media has a real effect to student achivement score.

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