Minggu, 02 Februari 2014

Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Sistem Gerak Manusia Berbasis Peta Konsep dalam Meningkatkan Penguasaan Konsep Siswa Kelas XI SMA di Kabupaten Jember

 Oleh: Rizka Elan Fadilah

A Concept map provides a concrete visual aid to help organizing the information before it is learned in order to create a meaningful learning. This research aimed to determine process of learning materials of human movement system based on the concept map and to know the level of mastery concepts of the students. This research was a developmental research using 4-D models. To evaluate the quality of learning materials, it used the questionnaire validation that assessed by 6 validators. The learning materials applied to three different school to get respons of learning materials quality. The results showed that the average from material expert was 75% with proper category, the average from developmental expert was 81,25% with very proper category, the average from media expert was 76,6% with proper category, and the average from teachers were 87,8% with very proper category. The results of the research indicated that learning materials of human movement system based on concept maps improved the level of mastery concepts with an average of the evaluation test enhancement, at the first meeting was 68.70, second meeting was 77.70, and third meeting was 82.76. The average of evaluation result increased at 9.00 in the first and second test and 5.06 in the second and third test. 

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